7 Reasons why Mario Odyssey made an impact! Skip to main content


Pokemon, too many, too fast?

(The question that everyone has heard or thought!) As far as the most popular gaming franchises goes, next to game series such as Super Mario Bros, Call of Duty, and many more is Pokemon, the yellow fever that caught all of us at one point. That amazing game in which instead of being a hero of a medieval era, you are a kid with the power of capturing creatures instead of only using them as Exp pigs, it was new, it was fresh! 120 monsters for us to capture, train and trade in order to become the only one, the best that ever was! (Pretty cute, but stillm too many of them?) Pokemon quickly gained fame, grabbing us by the heart; easily becoming of the biggest videogaming phenomes! However, that also meant one thing, Gamefreak and Nintendo would milk the miltank out of it; many new generations came and yeah, they were amazing and still are; though this doesn’t mean that they were perfect, obviously many changes came and many fans disliked this. And one complain out of t...

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7 Reasons why Mario Odyssey made an impact!

Super Mario Odyssey is the newest game from the well-known franchise, Super Mario Bros; so it is understandable why so many people feel the hype through their vines but, why is it amazing? Let us list them for you!



The reason that everyone is talking about, and it has a background behind this being the main appealing. Since the era of Nintendo 64 and Nintendo Gamecube, us players have not been graced by the hand of Ninty with a “sandbox” Mario game, Super Mario 64 and Super Mario Sunshine left a great taste in the mouth for all gamers since it broke what Mario games were originally, but keeping its structure and idea, instead of running in a straight line to save Peach; now you could run wherever you want and do missions in your order to save the princess! And finally, the great N has decided to bestow this gift of the heavens upon us mortals.


(I should say something funny, but I can’t take my eyes apart of the right Goomba’s mouth, weird)

Have you ever wondered how would it be to play as a Goomba or Hammer Brother in Mario aside from the spin-off games? Most likely not, but Nintendo decided that this should be the next big quirk that the game offers, and boy; they were right! Not only it gives the freedom to create full-of-creativity levels playing with what Mario can possess now, but also creates an environment of true exploration that all players love to play. From a frog to a Bullet Bill, Mario is now in the mind of everyone… Huh, Mario is a marketing manager now, neat…



Yoshi has always been there for us, even if we killed him but now WHO CARES? IT IS A FREAKING DINOSAUR, no more needed to be said. I could buy this game only for this amazing feature, I even thought it was a Monster Hunter trailer when I saw this at the E3 2017, this is creative, dumb, unexpected, amazing but most importantly, FUN.


(Pauline is a strong independent woman who need no Kong to rule)

To think that Nintendo still remembers Pauline, and pays this great homenage to Donkey Kong. Literally, every name for a location in New Donk City has a Donkey Kong reference, every route, every shop, even the name of the city by itself. And guess what? Pauline is now an important character again! And she is the new mayor of the city, plus her singing voice is just, beautiful and full of grace; which leads me to the next point…


(Watch this, seriously; it is astonishing to watch)

If I could tell you how much time I have listen to this song, you would not believe it! Seriously, Nintendo is going with all in this soundtrack, the tune by itself, its lyrics representing what Mario Odyssey means to both the gameplay and the fans, the rhythm, and specially; Pauline’s voice that comes from the angels themselves. The waiting for the rest of the soundtrack to come out is unbearable.


(If you don’t feel happy while seeing this image, there is something wrong with you)

There has not been a Mario game so much full of charm since Galaxy came out, this game screams fun wherever you see it; if you are looking for a truly Mario adventure with the whole exploring package attached to it, then this game is for you; an experience to never forget by any gamer who is graced enough to play this astonishing odyssey. A city with real looking people, a forest that does not seem to end, a desert full of paranormal activities and skeleton buddies, and even a world made out of food entirely, creativity is what this game has more than enough to satisfy. Let’s-a go to feel as we were kids again with this masterpiece!

7. HATS!!!


If there is something that Team Fortress 2 taught us is that, hats are everything and thus they should be praised. Last but definitively not least, the customization that Super Mario Odyssey brings to the table is great, and most of them are references also, extra points there to the great N. Cappy is for sure one of the best Mario helpers since the Paper Mario era, hope characters that add so much to the gameplay but also adds so much charm to the games keep coming for ages to come!

Nintendo has proven us again that after the dark eras of games like Metroid Other M, Super Mario 3D World (Though I enjoyed this one) and many more, they can keep up with the times with brilliant games specifically designed with combining fun with both, nostalgia and new ideas with games such as Splatoon, Arms, Breath of the Wild and of course, Super Mario Odyssey!

(Well, now that is just unexpected to see)


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